Be like a mum!

Be like a mum!

by Marta Szczepanik

We know that this it's a time full of love and amazing emotions. Today we are writing just about mother’s emotions! How does the mother feel? How does it feel for her when the baby arrives home? What's the most surprising thing about being a mum according to you?

We asked six mothers about this. Mums you may know from Instagram, and if you don't know them yet, check out their profiles!

Here is what they told us!


@crazynewmumma - Mum of Mya & Freddie

The most surprising part for me is how much you love them. This doesn’t always happen straight away but when it does arrive the love is so strong I wasn’t expecting it. It’s like no love I have ever experienced before! You look at their little faces and know you would move heaven and earth for them. Such an amazing blessing!

@earlyyearswonders - Mum of Florrie and Wilfred

Being a mum has completely changed my life, even more so than I thought it would have done. The bond between myself and my children is unconditional... They are like tiny miracles that I am in awe of every single day. The most surprising thing about being a mum is being able to remember things my mum did for me... and now I’m doing these exact things for my own children, it has made appreciate my mum so much more!! I also feel extremely proud when I see my own children do things on their own and in their own way. I love watching them grow and seeing the wonder on their faces. Being a mum is the hardest but most rewarding ‘job’ I’ve ever had and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

@fivelittledoves - Mum of Lewis, Eva, Megan, Harrison and Joseph

The most surprising thing about being a Mum for me was just how much it changed EVERYTHING! When I was pregnant with my first I assumed our lives would remain very much the same, and that I would be the same person afterwards, but everything changed! It changed me both mentally and physically, it changed my priorities, my relationships with others, my hopes for the future. Nothing has ever been the same again but I wouldn't change it for the world (just a little more sleep maybe....!).

@laurenjessiewilliams_ - Mum of George Dougie and Paisley Dolly

I would say the thing that surprised me the most about becoming a mother was how I finally realised the meaning of life. I dead no idea how complete I would feel from the moment I held my first baby. And now until forever, as long as I have my beautiful children, there will be nothing missing from my world. (Also it’s surprised me how I would happily pick someone else’s bogies haha)

@yevtopyer- Mum of Benjamin

Motherhood is full of surprises! Every hour of the day.
I guess that nobody really talks about the phenomenon of the “4th trimester” & it’s hardships. Nobody tells you that you will have to pull yourself together both physically and mentally but at the same time have to be there 24/7 for the little human that totally depends on you. And that It’s not easy (not even close to) to get used to this new routine & to the fact that your life will never be the same. Your relationship with your partner / husband won’t be the same. With your friends. But above all - with yourself. The most important lesson here for me was to not lose myself in the never ending daily routine & at the same time to allow myself to be a full time mom, to let everything else be secondary. To dedicate myself to this little perfect creature that totally depends on me. To live with this huge responsibility every day. To live UP to it. To enjoy every single moment by his side. To cry ( loud & clear) when it’s too hard. To dare to ask for help when needed & to learn to accept it when offered. To let go things in life is still the hardest lesson of all. To accept that life will never be the same , I won’t be the same - But I’ll be better every day because I grow together with my little Benjamin, learning how to enjoy the smallest things in life to the fullest. Again <3



@minicupcakediaries - Mum of Bean

The most surprising this about being a mum is how naturally it’s come to me. I thought I’d struggle to be honest but every day I’m amazed at myself and by how much I love it!

Happy Mother's Day from moKee!

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