The ups & downs of having a winter baby

How to prepare for a winter baby - top tips

3 mins read

by Becca Smith @beccasmith_tomlins

Having a winter baby?

I am and I am THRILLED! Winter-born babies are a joy – as the days become shorter and the weather colder, having a newborn in winter is the perfect excuse to stay inside, recover from the birth and hibernate until Spring!

My son was born in October and I found this to have many many benefits:

The best tv comes out at this time

And as the weather turned I felt not an ounce of guilt sitting on the sofa all day with my baby. So I am looking forward to having my second child in November and I don’t plan to get out of my pyjamas until winter is over (that’s the plan anyways).

Of course there are more things to think about in winter with a newborn, particularly when clothing them – the layers!

I’ve discussed the universal TOG system here on the blog and it is really important to think about it when dressing a newborn in winter. It’s easy to think babies need to be layered up a lot during winter but it’s far safer to have a baby on the cool side than warm, so take a look at the TOG rating system.

There are of course additional blankets that you will need in winter, particularly if you are outside in the pram most days.

There are some additional weather problems for mums.

I also found that with the constant nappy changing and hand cleaning my hands became really dry in the cold weather, so invest in a decent handcream.  

Having winter babies gives you a chance to really enjoy your home.  

The weather will keep you indoors, so make the most of it. Make the nursery a place where you can play and relax with your newborn – invest in some sensory toys and create your own sensory room for baby with e. g. Mini Mobile by moKee.

Once Winter is over and Spring and Summer arrive your newborn will no longer be a newborn!

Baby will be exploring and growing- making it the perfect time to venture outdoors and enjoy the better weather. I found that my son was at a great age in the summer after he was born, to go away on holiday. I was less anxious as a new mother and we had got ourselves into a really good routine to venture somewhere hot and new!  

Winter is coming. Embrace it. Layer up and enjoy your newborn!

Are you having a winter baby? Comment and let us know about your experience!

Having a newborn in winter is the perfect excuse to stay inside, recover from the birth and hibernate until Spring! But there are challenges as well.

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